Friday, December 10, 2010

Shut it Down?

I really enjoyed reading As American as apple pie's post on whether Wikileaks should be shout down or not. I enjoyed it mainly because its always interesting to see someone else's view on the subject getting a lot of coverage. After pointing out the opinions on both sides Danielle mentions the very same question which we all should be thinking, is shutting down this website a violation of the first amendment which we all love?  I most definitely think that government shutting down this website is going against the first amendment and as she mentions later on the post if this case goes all the way to the Supreme Court, which most likely it will, Wikileaks is bound to come out a winner.
On the other hand I can understand why government is trying so hard to shut down a website that contains potentially harmful information, but they must realize the consequences of their actions. If they shut down this website what's to stop them from shutting down any other website that contains sensitive information? Hopefully this whole ordeal will be over soon and a verdict will came forth. On the mean time all we can do is wait and hope our rights won't be overpowered by politics.

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